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"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." 

--Benjamin Franklin

Learn more about money: how to make it, save it, invest it, spend it, or give it away.

Envision Retirement -- Even If You Don't Want To Thumbnail

Envision Retirement -- Even If You Don't Want To

What we do is so tied up in who we are that it can be difficult to picture yourself without a 9-to-5 job, even if part of that picture involves daily beach naps and sunset sails. Where some retirees see carefree days and endless possibilities, you might be staring at a blank calendar worried that you're going to go crazy without meetings, deadlines, and tasks that fill you with purpose. Answering these three questions will help you start to fill in those blanks and rethink what your retirement can be.

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Four Tools to Optimize Your Daily Schedule for Relaxation Thumbnail

Four Tools to Optimize Your Daily Schedule for Relaxation

When you're working, raising kids, and struggling to find time to take a run or read a book, it's common to feel like your days keep getting away from you. Mixing a few of these habits into your schedule can help you take back some control of your time and meet your personal and professional responsibilities with more energy and purpose.

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