Financial life planning matches your values with your money. Many people are discovering that their financial journeys are even more fulfilling when they align their plans with their values. These investing, spending, and giving strategies could help you grow your nest egg while also putting your values in action.
Meaning. Purpose. Challenge. It's obvious that happiness in retirement depends on a lot more than doing crosswords on the beach all day long. You might focus on building good habits, or on launching your new business. Or you might just decide to give back by becoming a mentor.
Finding the right mix of happiness, meaning, and psychological richness is an ongoing process. You might find that the emphasis you place on each shifts as you progress through various transitions, and particularly as you near retirement. Live the best life possible with the money you have.
Each decade in your life comes with different goals, and while the best things in life may be free, some of the OTHER best things in life aren't quite that cheap. Having a baby, buying a house, or retiring early... all of these require a savings plan.
Pick three words to guide you through the new year.